A great card from Honolulu of the King Kamehameha Statue. Kamehameha I, also known as Kamehameha the Great, was the conqueror and first ruler of the Kingdom of Hawai'i. He conquered Maui in 1790, with the help of John Young and Isaac Davis by using the cannons from the Fair American ship. The Maui army was defeated at the Battle of Kepaniwai. The Maui king, Kahekili II was on O'ahu during the battle. In 1795 he set said with an armada of 960 war canoes and 10 000 soldiers and was able to defeat Maui and Moloka'i at the Battle of Kawela. In 1810, Kamehameha negotiated a peaceful unification of the island with Kaua'i. As the ruler of all the islands, Kamehameha unified the legal system, and promoted trade with the United States and Europe. When he died in May 1819, Kamehameha had up to 30 wives, about half which he outlived. He also sired 35 children - 17 sons and 18 daughters. His first born sone, Liholiho, suceeded him as Kamehameha II. Actually when he became king, ...