Silke is a new Postcrossing having sent and received about 45 cards each way. She is hoping Postcrossing will help her with her English.
Silke lives in Coesfeld, an ancient city of about 37 000 people. Coesfeld received its city rights in 1197, but can trace its origins back to the 700s. Coesfeld was an important stopping point for pilgrims doing the Way of St. James. Pilgrims would start in Warendorf, travel to Munster, stop in Coesfeld, move on to Borken, and finally end up in Wesel on the Rhine.
St. Jakobikiriche (St. Jacob's Church), which dates back to the 12 century, was bombed by the allies during the Second World War. The church was destroyed except for the old, wooden doorway. A new church was erected and the old doorway was re-used.
Silke's card is a photo of white cliffs overlooking the Baltic Sea.
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