Normally I would have written about the rattlesnake found on the card. However, in Heather's bio on her postcrossing page, she writes about Pflugerville and I think what she writes is way more entertaining than anything I could have typed here:
I live in Pflugerville, TX. It's...not very exciting. It's so boring that the city leaders try to liven up stuff by sticking "pf" in front of EVERY word that starts with f. It stopped being pfunny somewhere around 1995. Pflugerville is pfabulously pfun (it's not). It's a bedroom community just north of Austin. Austin is the state capital of Texas. We live in Pflugerville because we can't afford to actually live in Austin. If you get postcards from me, they might be from Austin because Pflugerville is famous for nothing except that the exterior shots of the Chicken Ranch from "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" were shot here. I told you this town is pfreaking boring.
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