St. Nicholas Church was commissioned by an ever growing Polish community in Kyiv. Building started in 1899 and was completed in 1909. It was consecrated by the Bishop of Kyiv in 1909 in the name of St. Nicholas. In 1938 it was closed by Soviet authorities because the priest was "absent" for two years due to Soviet persecution of Christians. At one point in its history is was a KGB service building.
St. Nicholas was restored in 1979-80 and turned into the National House of Organ and Chamber Music of Ukraine. Since 1992, Catholic Masses have been performed at the church after it was re-consecrated on 4 January 1992. It doesn't belong to the Catholic Church, but it looks like that may be happening soon as Kyiv is building a new place for the National House of Organ and Chamber Music in 2023.
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