Nottingham is famous for the legend of Robin Hood. Robin Hood had been featured in literature and film. Some versions claim he is of noble birth, and some as a veteran of the Crusades. In the earliest versions he is of Yeoman class - a middle rank of servants in an English royal or noble household.
Paul's card is a reproduction of a 2007 stamp of a Grey Seal. In fact, Paul used the actual Grey Seal stamp to post the card. Grey seals are found on both shores of the North Atlantic Ocean. In Great Britain, bull seals can get to 233 kg and 155 kg for females. Grey seals feed on fish, as well as creatures found on the ocean bed. They need about 5 kg of food a day, although it doesn't feed everyday, and the female will fast during the breeding season. Females give birth to one pup a year from about the age of four to age 30. Pups are generally 14 kg at birth and the mother's milk is up to 60% fat. Survival rates for pup in their first year varies from 80-85%, to below 50%, depending on their location.
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