Magdeburg is the capital city of Saxony-Anhalt. It was founded by Holy Roman Emperor Otto I. He was buried in the city's cathedral after his death.
Magdeburg has been destroyed twice. In 1631 the Catholic League sacked the city resulting in the death of 25 000 non-combatants during the Thirty Years War. Magdeburg was a Protestant city as most of the citizenry turned Protestant in 1524. Once the soldiers entered Magdeburg, they set fire to single houses to smoke out people. Wind fanned the flames and 1700 of the 1900 buildings were destroyed. Soldiers went out of control after the fire died down. They had not been paid and began looting the city. When people couldn't give the soldiers anything, they began to beat, skewer, and hang people, as well as gang rape minors and commit torture. Only 20% of residents survived. The bodies were dumped into the Elbe River so as to prevent disease.
Magdeburg was also heavily bombed by British and American forces in World War II. Magdeburg produced synthetic oil and was thus targeted. On January 16, 1945, the Royal Air Force destroyed much of the city during a bombing raid. Up to 2500 civilians were killed. On July 1, 1945, the city was a part of the Soviet Zone of Occupation. Many of the remaining buildings were destroyed by the Soviets, while others were left unoccupied to decay over time. .
Magdeburg became the capital of Saxony-Anhalt in 1990 after the reunification of Germany. In 2005 it celebrated its 1200th anniversary.
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