Her card is a painting of Pont Alexandre III, with the Eiffel Tower in the background. Pont Alexandre III is a deck arch bridge that spans the Seine. It is considered the most ornate, extravagant bridge in Paris. In 1975, it was declared as a French monument historique.
The bridge itself was built between 1896 and 1900. It was named after Tsar Alexander III, who had concluded the Franco-Russian Alliance in 1892. Tsar Nicholas II laid the foundation stone in 1896. It is 160 meters long, and 40 meters wide. The architects of the bridge designed it in a way as to not obscure the view of the Champs-Élysées or the
There are several sculptures featured prominently on the bridge.
The Fames are four gilt-bronze statues, supported on 17 meter masonry socles that provide stabilizing counterweight for the arch.
The Nymphs are at the centre of the bridge and are memorials to the Franco-Russian Alliance.
The bridge is just as famous at the Eiffel Tower and has been featured in numerous movies and television shows.
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