I remember seeing the iconic Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas sign when I first visited Las Vegas and was a bit star struck. It's one of those things you see all the time in movies and on television shows. My first time in Las Vegas was for a conference on educational assessment (yes, it was as 'exciting' as it sounds). A colleague and myself were on Freemont Street when we stumbled upon filming for the television series, CSI - this was CSI's second or third season. We didn't see much but briefly saw one of the stars of the show. We then ran into some extras dressed as police officers and had them pretend handcuff us. The one extra had a cigarette in his mouth while he pretend to handcuff my colleague.
Ted Rogich, a local Las Vegas businessman, felt a flashy sign was needed to welcome visitors to Las Vegas. Betty Willis designed the now world famous sign in 1959. The sign was erected by Western Neon on a lonely stretch of U.S. 91 where the lights of Las Vegas still flickered in the distance. It was added to the US National Register of Historic Places in 2009.
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