A great card from Malta from an Italian, living in Germany. The card showcases the traditional Maltese buses. The first Maltese buses came from England in 1905. Buses on Malta were privately owned and there wasn't a lot of regulations in regards to upkeep and maintenance of the buses. This changed in 1931 when regulations required bus operators to upgrade the appearances of their buses. This pride in their appearance was maintained with buses getting frequent paint jobs and becoming very colourful. Today bus service is centralized and Maltese buses are only used for special heritage services.
A great card from Malta from an Italian, living in Germany. The card showcases the traditional Maltese buses. The first Maltese buses came from England in 1905. Buses on Malta were privately owned and there wasn't a lot of regulations in regards to upkeep and maintenance of the buses. This changed in 1931 when regulations required bus operators to upgrade the appearances of their buses. This pride in their appearance was maintained with buses getting frequent paint jobs and becoming very colourful. Today bus service is centralized and Maltese buses are only used for special heritage services.
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