Braunschweig, or Brunswick in English, is the second largest city in Lower Saxony and a major centre of scientific research and development. The Eurasian Jay is a member of the crow family. Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish naturalist, was the first to formally describe the jay and called in Corvus glandarius . Later is was established as Garrulus "chattering," "babbling," or "noisy." Eight racial groups and 33 subspecies were recognized by Steve Madge and Hilary Burn in 1994. The jay's call is a harsh, rasping screech that is used when they spot predators or as an advertising call. It is also known for mimicry, and can sound like other species, such as bird of prey like the common buzzard or the northern goshawk. These jays are also consider very intelligent and plan for future needs, take into account of their partner by sharing food with them, or when protecting food items from thieves.